Please don't hesitate to call us and find out more about the trip you are interested in. Our business hours are Monday - Friday, 9 am - 4 pm, GMT +01
Phone:+46- (0)31 -707 00 80
E-mail: info@pathfindertravels.se
Pathfinder Travels
SE- Garverivägen 11 H
448 31 Floda
Nicke Sundström, info@pathfindertravels.se, +46-(0)31-7070080
Cecilia Östgårdh, cissi@pathfindertravels.se, +46-(0)762-132733
Pelle Aronsson, pelle@pathfindertravels.se, +46-(0)708-165867
Adrian Nordenborg, adrian@pathfindertravels.se, +46-(0)739-335074
Pathfinder Travels is a limited company (Ltd) with the organisation number 556823-8447.
Pathfinder Travels AB fulfils the safety requirements as placed by The Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency according to Swedish law on travel packages.