Our way of traveling

Pathfinder Travels is a small, independent travel company that has been operated with a true passion for people, travel and the outdoors since 1999. Our big interest in nature has set its mark on all of our trips, from trekking to ski trips and family trips. Welcome to us!

Our guides

We collaborate with various english  speaking guides, most of the are Swedish. In our more advanced alpine program, UIAGM certified mountain guides lead the trips, whereas professional trekking and nature guides lead our trekking and special trips. Common to all the guides is that they possess a great knowledge of their travel destinations and that they themselves have participated in creating the trip. After the trip has ended, we usually receive nothing but praise for their commitment, knowledge and thoughtfulness. Therefore, we are proud to have the pleasure of working with them. Read more about our guides.


Our trips are led for the most part by Swedish guides and we always participate in the creation of the trip. Our guides have a genuine knowledge of the destination to provide you with as much interaction as possible from your trip. We also give you the opportunity to directly contact the respective guides to assure yourself.

Group size

As a rule, we are at most 12 guests on our regular trips. On our ski touring trips, we are occasionally at most six people. We believe that smaller groups provide a greater experience.


Trips to the mountains and snow are characterised by high quality and a great consideration for safety. By utilising professional, certified guides, we can with good conscience sell our trips and provide our travellers with a pleasant nature experience where we minimise the risks. We place demands on our travellers and our travellers place demands on us. On our trips with UIAGM certified mountain guides, the guide’s judgement and competence can mean the difference between life and death. If we refer to flexibility away from the mountain, then it is the opposite of being on the mountain. Hence, it is the word of the guide that applies, when there is no space for individual flexibility. Therefore, we demand that our travellers comply with the guide’s instructions, for one’s own safety and that of the group.

If you join our snow adventures, you must bring the following safety equipment: transceiver (avalanche beacon), shovel and probe. We can help you hire this equipment if you don’t have your own or cannot borrow from someone. Prior knowledge of how to use this equipment is mandatory. Therefore, an obligatory basic course, arranged by our guides on each trip, is included. This increases the possibility for you to use your safety equipment and that of others if necessary.

Certified mountain guide – what does this mean?

Being certified as an International Federation of Mountain Guides Associations (IFMGA/UIAGM) Guide is the highest credential you can obtain in mountaineering anywhere in the world.

Who can travel?

All of our trips require physical exertion. You do not have to be an elite trained athlete to participate, but you do need a certain level of conditioning because most of the trips involve a medium to high level of physical activity. Remember that mountain weather can change quickly. This and many other factors can make certain tours both physically and mentally challenging. It can also be physically trying to encounter new cultures and in some cases, confronted with poverty. As a traveller, you too must be ready to adapt to the rules and norms regarding dress, behaviour and customs.

Our prices

We always try to include as much as possible in our trips and offer experienced guides and a high level of service. If you compare our prices with others, do not forget the high demands we place on our guides and leaders. Flights, local transportation, food and accommodation are generally also included, and last but not least, our groups are almost never larger than 12 people. You can read about what is included in the price of the trip under each destination. The price of the trip can change depending on changes in taxes, flight prices and exchange rates.

Confirmation and final payment

You will always receive a written booking confirmation after your booking been completed.  After that we send you a invoice or payment link for the  booking fee and final payment and additional practical information.

Particular requests

In the booking form for you to fill in personal information, food requirements, medical specifications, potential handicaps, information of closest relatives, etc.


Cancellations shall be made as soon as whatever will prevent you from travelling arises. Contact Pathfinder by telephone at 031-707 00 80.

Minimum number

As a rule, the trip will be conducted fully booked. If the trip needs to be cancelled or changed, the traveller is contacted at least 60 days before day of departure.

Travel conditions

You must read the travel conditions. They are included as part of the travel agreement.

Travel insurance

We advise you to sign insurance with full coverage against injury and without excess already upon booking the trip. Even if you have home insurance, which includes travel insurance, full protection is not guaranteed. Verify with your insurance company if the travel insurance covers against ski trips. Request an affidavit from the police in the case of injury and a medical certificate regarding illness or accident. Pathfinder will help you with this at your destination if needed. Note that the travel insurance is your responsibility alone and not of the travel promoter. If you are pregnant, we request that you consider the special regulations that apply to both flying and insurance.


Visas are required for some of our destinations. Pathfinder Travels do not handle Visa matters, if it not stated in the description of the trip.

Domestic travel within certain countries can require visas for non-Swedish citizens. Swedish citizens born in outside of Sweden might also be subject to these regulations. Verify with the embassy of the respective country. Pathfinder Travels cannot be responsible for the consequences of a traveller lacking a visa. Verify that your passport is valid. Note! Certain countries require that your passport be valid for an additional 6-12 months beyond your visit into the country. We advise you to get a new passport if its date of expiration is approaching.


For information regarding possible vaccinations, we ask you to contact your nearest vaccination centre or health centre.


For certain trips, participants will arrive from various modes of communication and from various regions. This can mean a certain waiting period at the common gathering site. This is considered specific for each individual destination.


During the trip, we will use various forms of transportation – sometimes private taxi or minibus, sometimes a local bus and train.


In cities, we stay in double rooms at mid standard hotels (2-4 star). On ski touring and trekking overnights, we usually stay in refuges , sometimes in doorms. During a trek, it can happen that we stay with the local population or in a tent.

Literature and maps

It is always nicer to prepare oneself by reading about the county or countries to be visited. Maps of the actual areas can be difficult, sometimes absolutely impossible, to get. If you have questions regarding maps or tips about particular literature, please contact Pathfinder.


We are subject to the provisions of the Swedish Travel Guarantees Act (1972:204) and have lodged a travel guarantee with Swedish Kammarkollegiet.