To make it easier for you to choose the trip for which you have the ability to carry out, we use a two-scale grading system to define to difficulty of our ski and mountainbike trips.
We have a grading table our trips. The grading system is explained through a short description and the table you find below.
With these descriptions, we want to provide you a rough idea of what your level should be for the trip to be as enjoyable and memorable an experience as possible. You are always welcome to consult us by telephone or e-mail if you feel uncertain about this assessment regarding technical ability and physical condition, before you book the trip.
The two-scale system to grade difficulties means the following:
- One number (1-3) implies the technical difficulty
- One letter (A-C) implies the physical condition you should have.
Difficulty 1-3
Our numerical grading indicates the trip’s technical difficulty. The higher the number, the more extensive your skiing and boarding or mountainbike experience should be.
1. Medium experience.
2. Good experience
3. Extensive experience.
Condition A-C
Our alphabetical grading indicates the level of physical condition and what is required of you to fulfil the trip.
A. Medium-good condition.
B. Good condition is expected based on regular training a few times a week.
C. Very good condition