Yard Sale for Outdoor Gear in August
For the third year in a row, we are hosting The Outdoor Gear Flea Market, a yard sale for outdoor gear. It’s time to bring out those skis, that backpack, and those climbing shoes you don’t use anymore.
Sell your used outdoor equipment that you no longer use – for free! Items should be intact, clean, and usable. Instead of tables, bring a blanket, tarp, or place items directly on the ground. Stick to gear for mountain and outdoor activities.
Dig out tents, climbing shoes, backpacks, clothes, boots, skis, stoves, ski boots, or whatever you can find and come down to the park. The flea market will be running from 3 pm and onward.
If it’s just lying around collecting dust at home, let someone else enjoy it. You might even find something you need more!

Welcome to the mega outdoor gear flea market!
Before the outdoor movie, you have the opportunity to sell your used outdoor gear that you no longer need – for free! Ensure that the items are intact, clean, and usable. Instead of tables, bring a blanket, tarp, or place your items directly on the ground.
Focus on gear for mountain and outdoor activities, such as tents, backpacks, clothing, boots, skis, stoves, ski boots, and more. If it’s just sitting at home collecting dust, let someone else enjoy it. You might even find something you need more!